datatable in flutter

How to create dataTable in a flutter

In Flutter, DataTable is a commonly used widget in Flutter for displaying tabular data, and it is often used in conjunction with other widgets such as ListView or GridView to create complex data-driven user interfaces.

This widget displays data in a tabular format with rows and columns. It is similar to the HTML table tag in web development.

To create a DataTable widget in Flutter, you can use the DataTable class, which requires the following parameters:

  • columns: a list of DataColumn widgets that define the column headers for the table.
  • rows: a list of DataRow widgets that define the data for each row in the table.
  • data cell: which contains the information for a solitary cell in the information table.
  • onTap:  an optional callback function that is called when the user clicks the row.

This article has covered data table relate queries. Please see below.

  1. flutter DataTable example?
  2. flutter DataTable fixed header?
  3. flutter DataTable fixed column width?
  4. flutter DataTable border?
  5. flutter DataTable horizontal scroll?
  6. flutter DataTable binding data?
  7. flutter DataTable from API?
  8. row and column in flutter?
  9. DataTable class – material library 

Code block

  SingleChildScrollView _dataBody() {
    // Both Vertical and Horozontal Scrollview for the DataTable to
    // scroll both Vertical and Horizontal asper your need
    return SingleChildScrollView(
      scrollDirection: Axis.vertical,
      child: SingleChildScrollView(
        scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal,
        child: Padding(
          padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 10.0, top: 15.0),
          child: DataTable(
            columnSpacing: 10,
            headingRowHeight: 30,
            headingTextStyle: const TextStyle(
                fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
                fontSize: 14.0,
                letterSpacing: 0.0,
                color: Colors.white),
            headingRowColor: MaterialStateColor.resolveWith(
              (states) => AppTheme.mainColor,
            columns: const [
                label: Text('PRODUCT'),
                label: Text('ORDER DATE'),
                label: Text('QTY'),
                label: Text('RATE'),
                label: Text('TOTAL'),
            rows: _requestMilkListTemp
                  (milkReport) => DataRow(cells: [
                      onTap: () {},

                      onTap: () {
                        //your action
                          "${int.parse(milkReport.amount!) * int.parse(milkReport.milkRate!)} "),
                      onTap: () {
                        //your acction

1-Fixed header : headingRowHeight: 30

2-Horizontal scroll : scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal

have used the calculation of the value – qty and amount multiplication and total amount how to show at bottom of the data table below.

I hope this is helpful for your current and next projects are very.
keep smiling and work smart!

DataTable in a flutter

DataTable is a commonly used widget in Flutter for displaying tabular data, and it is often used in conjunction with other widgets such as ListView or GridView to create complex data-driven user interfaces.

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